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Heart Walk-NAWIC Has Heart Team

To register for the 2021 Phoenix Heart Walk visit:   Click the “Register” button in the middle of the page. Click “Join a Team” Either Join as a Yes

April 2021 Membership Meeting – Starbucks!

Come hear Lindsay Thompson, Project Manager at Starbucks discuss: The Grind: What it's like Working for Starbucks What's Percolating: The Impact of Covid-19 on Store Footprints eXpresso not Expresso: How


Membership Meeting & Mixer

Aunt Chilada's 7330 N Dreamy Draw Dr, Phoenix, AZ, United States

It is time for another in-person NAWIC Phoenix meeting.   This meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at Aunt Chilada’s, 7330 N. Dreamy Draw Drive, Phoenix, AZ at


Coloring book contest needs sponsors

Our coloring book contest for K-6 needs sponsors so we can provide Lego kits (1) each class to 22 classes across 7 schools.  If enough funds are raised we'll also

2022-2023 Installation of Officers

Pueblo Mechanical & Controls 3930 East Watkins Street Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ

Please join us as we thank those who served for the 2021-2022 NAWIC year and for the Installation of Officers for the 2022-2023 year. We will also have our chapter


October Board Meeting

Pueblo Mechanical & Controls 3930 East Watkins Street Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ

Our board meetings are free for all members to attend.

TOP NAWIC Phoenix Chapter #98